Run Your Salon Suite Like a Big Business


Join the only online education community designed to help salon suite owners do more.

Market Your Salon More Effectively in Less Time.


Marketing 101 Course

A great place to start on your salon growth journey. This Salon Marketing 101 course gives you the fundamental knowledge you need to market more effectively.

Take the Course!

Join the Community

Join our membership-based community to get access to our community forums and interact with other salon suite members from across the country. Membership includes our e-book for free!

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1-on-1 Guidance

Get fully-customized marketing help from a dedicated marketing pro who will work with you to understand your business, and create a path to better marketing and more clients.

Chat with a Pro
Salon suite owner working on a client she got from social media marketing
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Take the Instagram  Overhaul Challenge

Kickstart your journey to more clients by completing our Instagram overhaul challenge! Just $55 for the course - but community members get it for free!


About Us

The Salon Hub was created by Stephen Cassano, who previously founded Bow Tie Social; a digital marketing company focusing on the salon suite industry. Having grown up as the son of a hairstylist, Steve realized that while large organizations can hire help to market their services, many salon suite owners can't. So, the team from Bow Tie Social created The Salon Hub: a platform aimed at helping salon suite owners figure out how to better market and run their businesses in ways that are efficient, inexpensive, and more effective. 

Join us in our journey as we work to create useful content and build a community of salon suite owners that is supportive, helpful, and fun.

Join the Community
Steve Cassano founder of the salon hub

"I now feel like I have a much better direction on how to attract more of the type of clients that I want to work on in my salon."

- Dara Viti

"[They] broke it down in easy ways to understand what was needed to grow"

- Kristen Starr