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How To Build a Vision Board for Your Business Brand with Free Tools

branding strategy Dec 16, 2022
Young girl envisioning the future of her salon suite business

As we’ve described in our e-book, a vision board is uniquely important in defining and maintaining consistency for your online presence, whether on your website, social media, or ads on places like google search and others. 


What is a brand vision board?

A brand vision board is a visual representation of the direction your brand needs to move in. This document or poster should be filled with images, quotes, and words that will inspire you to reach your goals. A brand vision board can help keep you focused on what matters most when it comes to growing your business.


Why you should build a brand not just a business?

Building a brand is about more than just selling products and services. It’s about connecting with your customers on an emotional level and building trust in your company.

 A vision board will help you stay focused on the overall goal of creating a successful, meaningful, and lasting brand that people can identify with.


What are the benefits of a vision board for your business brand?

Your brand vision board is not only a definition exercise but a cheat sheet that will make creating content easier as you grow and create content week in and week out! 

To help you create your own, we are detailing some key elements you’ll want to include when creating a vision board and some online tools and templates that will make the process easier. 


5 Elements of a Successful Brand Vision Board

Brand colors for your business brand vision board

Picking brand colors can be an in-depth task, full of brand soul-searching and research.  

There are also amazing tools to help you pick your color palette which we’ve included here

But for this exercise, it is simply important that you include them in your vision board with their HEX, RGB, HSL, or CYMK values so you can recreate the exact colors in your posts and other assets going forward.


Picking fonts for your business brand vision board

Fonts are important, they help define your brand and give your brand identity even when the logo or name of your business isn’t present. 


You can use more than one font as long as there aren’t more than 3 to avoid making your brand look too busy and cluttered. 


When it comes to the vision board we recommend including your fonts by simply typing the names of your fonts, in each respective font style so the names are readily available, and you can easily see how they interact with the other elements of your brand.


Find examples of your visual style for your business brand vision board

Your visual style examples can be photos you take and edit yourself or ones you find from other beauty pros and would like to emulate as a part of your own brand. 


The style in which they are edited and the way they are composed are both important when choosing the right examples, so keep both in mind when looking for photos to add. 


You can also include graphical styles you’d like to use as you grow your brand. 


This would include things like icon styles, drawings, varying illustration types, etc.


Consider your brand logo on your vision board

An obvious addition to your brand vision board is your logo. 


This is the most pivotal part of the vision board as it should encapsulate the feeling and vibe your vision board tries to portray. 


Some people start with a logo and create a vision board around it, others create the vision board and use that to generate a logo that matches. 


There is no right way, there is only your way! So get working and put out the vibe!


Research brand keywords for your business brand vision board

We recommend including a few brand-related words so that you can use them as inspiration as you are writing and creating content for assets that will be associated with your brand. 


These are goal posts that you want to always shoot for, or anchor points you want to make sure you, and the content you create, emulate as you market your salon online and design your salon in real life. 


As a salon suite pro, these words inform a large part of your business strategy, but try to avoid the obvious ones like “Hair”, “Nails”, “Pretty”, etc.

Free resources to create your business brand vision board

Advanced paid tools to create your business brand vision board

Business Brand Vision Board Example:

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